You become a part of a national organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. We envision a world where all people affected by mental illness live healthy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares. NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

As a member you will have access to:

NAMI National: Create a free account to get all of the latest updates, You will receive a copy of the Advocate Magazine published quarterly and delivered to you home. Discounts to conferences, and a 20% discount off of the NAMI Book Store.

NAMI Keystone: As a member you have access to program training to become a peer facilitator to help others in your local community.

NAMI York-Adams Counties PA: As a member, you will have access to networking opportunities. Membership invitations to special events such as the annual Holiday party, Annual Picnic, and other monthly membership activities throughout the year. Members receive a special invitation to attend the Annual Meeting where your voice will be heard. 

Membership Levels And Pricing:

  • Become a NAMI member and have access to all three levels of the organization—national, state, and local—with one payment! Memberships are active for one year and can be renewed. There are three membership rates depending on what makes the most sense for you:
    • $60 per year for a Household membership that includes all members of a household living at the same address
    • $40 per year for a Regular membership which is an individual membership for one person
    • $5 per year for an Open Door membership for an individual member with limited financial resources.

There Are Three Ways To Become A Part Of NAMI Today:

  • Navigate to  and create a free account to start connecting with NAMI and to get all the latest updates.
  • Complete the following Membership Application and mail it along with your check to our office. We will process your application upon receipt.